When you’re an app developer, the language you choose to code in can make or break your product, especially if it’s a mobile app. The most popular programming languages are commonly used by developers because they’re easy to learn and use and are versatile enough to handle all kinds of apps. Python falls into this category, making it a smart choice for those looking to code their next mobile app. Here are three reasons why Python mobile app development.

A brief overview of how Python started

In 1991, Guido van Rossum developed a new programming language that he named Python. Since then, many improvements have been made to make it into what it is today. Guido created Python because he felt that most existing languages were too complex and weighed down with unnecessary code. He wanted to create something that was a more simplified version of other programming languages. The name Python was chosen as a homage to one of his favorite comedy groups from Britain called Monty Python’s Flying Circus. Read more about how Python came about in Guido’s own words here.

The rise in popularity

You may not have noticed, but programming languages are like fashion: they come and go. They’re always in a constant state of flux, with new ones being developed (and sometimes dying out) all of the time. It’s part of their charm and beauty; change keeps things fresh and innovative—and it means that there are an increasing number of options when it comes to deciding which language you want to learn. When it comes to mobile app development, one such option stands out above others: Python. While some might argue for Swift or Objective-C, we’re here to give you three reasons why Python should be your language of choice if you want to develop apps for mobile devices like iPhones or iPads.

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How companies are using Python today

It’s fast, effective, and easy to learn. In fact, a developer can be productive in just a few hours. As an open-source language that’s free to use, Gogo Nerds also requires no licensing fees—saving companies thousands on development costs. And because it’s highly extensible and can adapt to any kind of application, it’s widely used in today’s modern environments. Many companies are already reaping big rewards with Python by saving time and money while producing better results. Here are some reasons why you should consider implementing mobile app development using Python

What makes it great

Python was created by a Dutch programmer, Guido van Rossum, who also happened to be a Monty Python fan. One reason why I believe it’s such a good choice for developing mobile apps is that you’ll find tons of resources that can help you create software in no time. For example, did you know that hundreds of people from around the world have already contributed to over 1,300 packages specifically built for developing Android apps with Python? In other words, there are plenty of code examples and developer tools to go around. You won’t be alone if you choose to develop your app using Python—there are many people out there willing to help you!

Other programming languages to consider

Objective-C, C++, and Swift are also viable choices for mobile app development. However, for a variety of reasons, including low learning curve and quick implementation time, most developers agree that Python reigns supreme. In addition to its speed and power, it’s worth noting that according to Google Trends data, interest in Python is growing rapidly. If you’re interested in making your app idea a reality sooner rather than later, then make sure you learn more about how Python can be used to build apps by investing in some high-quality programming courses today.

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