A framework defines the structure of the code. Well, to be precise, one framework alone cannot do everything. It is more about both the frontend and backend frameworks working together as a team.

Where the backend is responsible for how the code is structured and secured using the layers of security, the frontend is responsible for how the website or application looks.

Frontend frameworks allow the users to integrate great UIs without coding them from scratch.

Usually, developers combine the most popular backend frameworks with frontend frameworks because of the reliability and scalability they offer. On this note, let us check out a few trending frontend frameworks.

5 Frontend Frameworks with Use Cases!

The following five frontend frameworks are trending today:

  1. React
  2. Vue js
  3. Angular js
  4. Backbone js
  5. Semantic UI

At this point, let us peep into the depth of these frameworks along with their use cases one by one:

1. React

‘Mark Zuckerberg likes it!’

80% of all the developers have given positive feedback after using React to accomplish their project development. React was built and introduced by Facebook. Its initial launch took place in 2011. It is an open-source framework. Also, it is an ideal framework to handle heavy traffic as well as stay stable throughout.

Use Case of React – React is prominently used for building single-page applications. It is quite a robust framework to develop interactive interfaces in lesser time as the elements are reusable.

2. Vue.js

‘Easiest & the most versatile framework of all!!’

Vue javascript is the easiest, simplest, and most sorted framework. As compared to Angular, Vue offers much more ease and lesser complexities. Metaphorically speaking, the V in Vue stands for the Versatility that it has to offer. It offers enough flexibility to design the app structure however the developer wants. A programmer with some experience in javascript can easily understand and execute programs in Vue js.

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Use Case of React of Vue jsVue is primarily used in building giant and complex projects. Also, the flexibility that it brings along allows the developer to write the program from scratch to implement functionalities in the codebase.

3. Angular js

‘Difficult but worth it!! ’

The list of good frontend frameworks is incomplete without Angular. Angular.js is not a very easy language to learn. However, it is totally worth it! It is widely used to build mobile and web applications. It has the in-built functionality to update the changes that are made in the codebase. Also, the components are reusable. This enables the developer to make the application quickly.

Use Case of Angular jsIt uses two-way data binding. This further allows the updating of changes in the code in no time. Resultantly, it offers ease of resourceful backend development for browser apps especially.

4. Backbone js

‘Name suggests backend but is actually a great frontend’

Well, Backbone.js is a well-known front-end framework. Developers choose it because it is easy and follows a simple structure. Also, it is a lightweight framework which means it does not require long stacks of code to be implemented in the app.

Use Case of Backbone jsComing to the use cases of Backbone.js – it is used to make dynamic apps. Wondering which are the dynamic applications? Trello is a great example when it comes to this type of app. These are highly customized, and meant for a specific set of clients. Also, Backbone js is renowned for its synchronization with the server for constant change updates.

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5. Semantic UI

It is quite a newcomer in the frontend frameworks market compared to the rest of the frameworks I have talked about in this blog. It has out-of-the-box functionalities. It is known for its rich UI components. Also, it is itself a very responsive framework.

Use Case of Semantic UI – There are two main instances where the Semantic UI is used—the first being when the developer wants to create a very lightweight experience for the users. Secondly, it facilitates an attractive and sleek design overall.

To Conclude!

These were the five best frontend frameworks. Make your next choice wisely!