How vulnerable is your data to digital attacks? With the ever-advancing technology, your system is prone to many attacks. So, cybersecurity is crucial if you want to avoid these threats. It involves protecting your data from a security breach. In cybersecurity, multiple processes work together to protect your information. If the attack happens, cybersecurity processes will help you recover your data. Here is a list of the various types of digital attacks.


Worms, viruses, trojans, ransomware, and spyware are examples of malware attacks. Malware attacks your system when you click on email attachments or harmful links. Malware disrupts your system, hindering your operations. If you have sensitive information on your hard drive, malware enables retrieval. It can further deny you access to your network.

Malware such as viruses attaches itself to the initialization sequence. Viruses replicate themselves, thus infecting applications in the computer. It is difficult to detect viruses because they create a virus file with a similar name. The virus file has an extension that carries it.

Trojans hide inside vital programs on your computer, but they have malicious intentions. The malware is different from viruses because it does not replicate. Attackers use trojan as a backdoor to establish their attacks.

Worms attack via email attachments. They work independently without any human intervention. They send a duplicate of themselves to all contacts in your email. Attackers use worms to overload email servers.

As the name suggests, ransomware threatens to delete or publish a victim’s data if the ransom is not paid. Because of technology, ransomware activities have advanced. It uses cryptoviral extortion to encrypt data making it impossible to decrypt. It is only with a decryption key you can reassess your data.

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Attackers use spyware to collect various information from computer users. The information spyware collects users browsing history and personal information. With this information, attackers can blackmail victims or install more malware programs.


Phishing attacks are prevalent because people constantly send emails. You might fall victim to phishing because you assume it is from a legitimate source. But, after opening the email, you are linked to malicious files. Further, opening the email gives attackers access to your phone. With access, attackers can extract your crucial data or install malicious files.

Apart from emails, phishing activities can occur via social media platforms. Online communities are prone to these attacks as well. They take the form of educational messages that capture people’s attention. Today, phishing comes in various forms, including pharming, whaling, and spearfishing.

In spear phishing, attackers target particular people or companies. For whaling, they attack stakeholders and senior individuals. Attackers use pharming to access victims’ credentials using fake login details. Also, phishing attacks can occur via channels such as text messages and phone calls.

Man-in-the-Middle(MitM) Attacks

The man-in-the-Middle attack happens during a transaction involving two parties. Further, the attacker relies on vulnerabilities like unsecured public WIFI. Here, the attacker inserts himself in the middle and manipulates or steals data via traffic interruption. The attack is dangerous because you can hardly detect it. Attackers use malware or phishing attacks to conduct MitM attacks.

Denial-of-Service(DOS) Attack

In DOS attacks, attackers flood networks, servers, and systems with traffic. The system is thus unable to fulfill and process a user’s request. DOS attacks can spread via infected host systems to inhibit service delivery. Further, this attack can cause a shutdown of the entire system. The attacker can now access your system and infect your software with other threats.

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SQL Injections

Attackers insert ill-intentioned code into servers through SQL. They then submit the malicious code into the various search box or website comments. It is crucial to protect your search box or website comments. One way of preventing SQL injections is using pittsburgh network support.

 Zero-Day Exploit

For Zero-day Exploits, the attacker preys on the vulnerabilities of a network when it is still new. They prefer this time because there are no preventative measures set. It is wise to keep an eye out for any threats in your network.

Password Attacks

Passwords are crucial because they authenticate access to critical data in your system. They are therefore prone to numerous threats. There are many techniques that attackers can use to identify your password. They include guessing, testing the connection of a network, and social engineering. There are more complex methods like “brute-force attack.” The technique uses a particular program to try out all possible variants to determine the password.

Suffice to say, the complexities of cyberattacks are rising because of technology. However, there is no need to worry because there are various preventive measures. Also, if the attack has already happened, there are many solutions.